السبت، 13 ديسمبر 2008

to handle nasty

Courteney Cox has the stomach to handle nasty, gutwrenching gossip as 'Dirt's' scandal-mongering editor.
DIRT. Sunday night at 10. FX.
"Dirt," a drama designed to take a giant wink at the life of a hard-edged celebrity gossip magazine editor, has never really surmounted its central obstacle: How do you satirize a world that already satirizes itself every day?
What can you write into a fictional Britney Spears character that the real-life Britney hasn't already topped?
Still, "Dirt" launches its second season Sunday night with full confidence that some percentage of TV viewers are as enthralled with the celebrity gossip industry as the people who work in it.
You just wish those viewers' loyalty could be rewarded with a more interesting show.
But alas, Courteney Cox's self-described "crazy bitch" editor Lucy Spiller, her eternally devoted photographer, Don Konkey (Ian Hart), and an endless rotation of celebrity stand-ins make for a pretty shallow pool of dramatic interest.
To the extent "Dirt" serves as a star vehicle for Cox, she acquits herself well enough, though anyone who plays a snappish, nasty female boss these days needs to take a number.
Sunday's episode starts with the rapid resolution of last season's non-cliffhanger, when a celebrity whose life was ruined by Lucy's Dirt magazine marched into Lucy's office and stabbed her.
The only real consequence of this little encounter is that while Lucy was comatose, a rival gossip magazine dug out a better story about the stabbing than Lucy's staff at Dirt could pull together.
If this all sounds a little self-referential, you're catching on.
The pleasures of "Dirt" mostly lie in its subplots and small touches - like having Lucy, the big media player, find her only apparent refuge in the neurotic geek Don, who looks like Ed Norton wearing Matt Drudge's hat.
Less whimsical is the scene in which an aspiring investigative reporter makes it through security to Lucy's hospital bed, and she's so impressed she offers to triple his salary if he'll ditch the serious stuff and work for Dirt.
That turns out to be his price point, and he barely seems to notice when someone later jokingly calls him "Woodward," an allusion to Bob Woodward, the Watergate journalist who apparently never got that good an offer from a gossip magazine.
As for stories, "Dirt" claims to rip them right out of the headlines, and Sunday's celebrities include a gold-digging woman who marries a rich man and a young female star with a squeaky-clean image and dirty real-life habits.
Lucy handles it all with a mixture of cynicism and cynicism, plus serene confidence that where there's a secret, there's always someone to spill it.
When she's in the hospital for stitches, the nurse whispers some really good stuff about a celebrity patient on another floor.
Lucy slips her a few bills, and so goes another glamorous, exciting day in the world of celebrity gossip. The system works.

مطار صنعاء الجديد

مشروع المطار الجديد سينفذ على مساحة تبلغ 15 مليون متر مربع ويشمل انشاء صالة للركاب مع ملحقاتها وصالات خدمية وصالة تشريفات وصالات وصول ومغادرة، الى جانب انشاء جسور متحركة لوقوف الطائرات امام المبنى بقدرة استيعابية تصل الى 60 طائرة، اضافة الى حقل طيران جديد مكون من مهبط وممر مواز، وتوسعة المداخل الرئيسية للمطار وتجهيز مواقف للسيارات خارج المطار تستوعب 1200 سيارة.
وقال فرج ان التكلفة الاجمالية لهذا المشروع تصل الى 450 مليون دولار، مشيرا الى ان المشروع سينفذ وفقا لأحدث المواصفات والتقنيات التي تكفل تأمين مرافق ملاحية متطورة وأنظمة اتصال ووسائل أمن توفر المزيد من السلامة الملاحية.

وسوف يتم إفتتاحه في نهاية عام 2009

فضيحة جنسية للممثلة Vivica Fox

فوكس الجنس فضيحة شريط الفيديو! الممثلة Vivica فوكس هو ثاني شخص في عام 2008 لصيت سيئ السمعة بعد تشوا سوي ليك ، وزير الصحة الماليزي السابق. ولكن الآن مثل تشوا الذي سقطت لتكون ضحية للتخريب السياسي عندما تم تصويره من قبل spycameras كانت مسجلة فوكس باستخدام handphone من جانب الرجل الذي كان معها في الأنشطة الجنسية. مقتطفات من هذه الوظيفة على SandraRose.com وهناك شائعات قوية عن الجنس الحقيقي الشريط العائمة حول تتميز الممثلة المعروفة (لا Ciara) إلى إعطاء رئيس مالي صديق. بعض مصادر عليمة في اتلانتا شهدت الشريط ونسخة منه حاليا في يد الشرطة من اتلانتا. باء قائمة ممثلة لا يعيش في اتلانتا ولكنها قضى وقتا هنا مؤخرا. وكلمة هو أنها قد تكون في حالة سكر عندما تم تسجيل هذا الشريط. أنا صرح B - قائمة الممثلة هو سحب جميع للتأكد من توقف هذا الشريط لا ضرب للإنترنت. المشكلة هي ، والشرطة هي استخدام الإنترنت أو الشريط لبعضهم البعض وإلى الأصدقاء ضد سياسة الإدارة.

Vivica Fox Sex Tape Video Scandal! Actress Vivica Fox is the second person in 2008 hit by the infamous sex videos right after Chua Soi Lek, the former Malaysian Health Minister. But now like Chua who fell down to be a victim of the political sabotage when being filmed by the spycameras, Vivica Fox was taped using a handphone by the man who had sexual activities with her. Excerpts from this post on SandraRose.com
There are strong rumors about a real sex tape floating around featuring a well-known actress (not Ciara) giving head to a male friend. Certain well-placed sources in Atlanta have seen the tape and a copy of it is currently in the hands of the Atlanta police.
The B-list actress does not live in Atlanta but she spent time here recently. And word is she may have been drunk when the tape was made. I’m told the B-list actress is pulling out all stops to make sure this tape does not hit the Internets. The problem is, the police are emailing the tape to each other and to friends against department policy.